As the weather warms up in Spring, honeybees all across the country are breaking out of their winter clusters and once again flying from their hives to carry out the many tasks required to keep the hive healthy.
Unfortunately, each time we begin a new beekeeping year, most beekeepers in the United States will have lost one third of their beehives. Honeybees are at risk because of many different factors. Similar to humans, honeybees can suffer from viruses, pests, and diseases. Also, an increasingly flowerless landscape and pesticides play a part.
The good news is that you can do something to help! From city to country, we can all help the honeybees. No matter how big or small you are, there are a few simple things you can do to make a big difference.
Planting bee friendly flowers:

Just like humans need to eat different types of foods to stay healthy, bees also need to eat a variety of different flowers.The more flowers that are available and the closer they are to each beehive, the healthier the bees will be.
Humans need to eat food throughout
the whole year, and so do our bees! In winter when it is too cold to fly outside, the bees will eat the honey that they have stored in their hive. During the rest of the year, they need to collect extra food for winter. To help the bees, we need to make sure to plant flowers that bloom at different times of the year so they have food all year long. While honeybees face many different problems, making sure they have enough nutritious food goes a long way towards keeping them healthy!
To find a list of honeybee and pollinator friendly plants for your area visit
Buying honey from a local beekeeper:

Buying from a local beekeeper ensures that you know where your honey came from and helps the beekeepers support their bees. You can often find local honey for sale at fairs and farmers markets.
Learning more about honeybees:

The better we understand honeybees, the better able we are to care for them and protect them. If you take the time to learn more about honeybees, you will be astonished at all these little insects can do and the simple things we can do to help them.